Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday: Games People Play

It's summer favorite time of the year (but it's a close 4-way tie between Autumn, Winter and Spring). I have a knack for taking summer and turning it into "Camp Becky" for my kids. I would rather spend the summer with my children, filling their mornings and afternoons with family time, fun and learning, than paying a fortune for lessons or camps, led by other people. Truth is, I like hanging out with my four. I like planning time with them and seeing them do stuff. I like doing stuff with them. I like playing along-side them. I like my days with them.

This summer, Tucker will turn 14. An almost 14-year old boy is NOT as thrilled about hanging out with his mom and three younger sisters, as he was when he was 6. BUT, he is MORE interested in hanging out with us than he will be in a couple of years....or in 4 years when he is getting ready to leave for THIS is the  summer to make those connections happen. To seize where he is today, where each of my four are today, this summer...and make the most of our time.

So, I've got a plan (I've always got a's who I am. I am a professional Planner). This summer, each month is already planned. Each week is mapped out. Each day is already loosely plotted. And HERE is where I'll be posting it. Here is where I'll share what we did. What they thought. How it went.

A quick run down:
Each day (Monday through Friday), from 8am-8pm, each of the four kids get:
1 hr of TV
1 hr of alone time (quietly doing something in their rooms)
1 hr of screen time (computer or video games)
1 hr (at least) of family time (all four, doing something with the group)

They also have a list of daily jobs they do in the house (things like emptying the dishwasher, cleaning up after meals, doing a load of laundry, etc).

MONDAYS we play games. In our pajamas. And get to leave the beds un-made. All they have to do is brush their teeth. I make a big breakfast (today it was scrambled eggs, thick-sliced bacon, toast and hash-browns with milk and orange juice). They set the table and cleaned up for me afterwards. Each child picked a game, and we'll play it. I'll teach them how to play Poker when we're finished with their choices.

(And by the way, the kids aren't chained to the table. The front door isn't bolted or barred. If a friend calls and invites them to do something, they're free to go. So far, the kids haven't asked to get out of anything I've presented or planned. So far, staying home with each other, is enough fun.)

Mom Thought: I can teach through play times. My children need play time with me. I can stop what I am doing for a chunk of my day and enjoy my kids. Playing with them every now and then, is as important as telling them to look twice before crossing the street or teaching them to wear a helmet when they ride their bikes.

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