Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Diamonds ARE a Girl's Best Friend (Or a Funky Pair of Earrings)

Just a simple day with the girls today. Slept in late. Cuddled when we all woke up. Took at little my new favorite store. The store has been there for awhile, but it's about 40 minutes from my house, so I hadn't checked it out before a week or two ago. When I first visited it, I said two things to myself... I MUST take the girls here the next time we need a little field trip and I MUST come here the next time I have a case of the blues and need a pick me up. "CHARMING CHARLIE." It is a great store. Wall-to-wall earrings, bracelets, necklaces, shoes, purses, scarves, etc--arranged by color. Picture 'Claire's' on STEROIDS (and for grown women). It makes me happy. All the colors. All the sparkles. All the fun. It is simply a spectacle of all-things-accessory!

We had a blast. We tried on the most outlandish rings and hats on display. We picked out things for each-other. We tried on and played. And played. And played. And didn't buy anything. We didn't need anything. We didn't go in there planning to buy. We went in just to have fun. The girls didn't even ask for anything. It was enough to be together and try things on. It was enough to fill the day. Then we sang Carrie Underwood songs the whole way home.

Now we are gearing up for tonight's Girls Against Boys kickball game. We're going to put our hair in high ponytails, with big floppy bows. We're gonna glam out and have some more fun! Might even let the girls wear lipstick. It's great to be a girl!

Mom Thought: I really do get the blues sometimes. I struggle with tiredness. I get overwhelmed. I miss my own mother. I need breaks. I want to get away and not have to be so responsible. I wish for simpler times. Or an easier life. I get hormonal and extra-emotional. I get needy. And I need pick-me-ups. Thus, I have found places I like to run to, things I like to do and people I like to call, when I am having 'one of those days' or weeks....or months. This is one of those places. I introduced it to my girls, in part because I want my girls to have strategies for those kinds of feelings...those kinds of days. I want them to know what they can do to turn a day around, shift their focus and find joy. I want them to be able to find 'little joys.' Because little joys can make the clouds part and provide a crack in the sky of a gloomy day, for a ray of sun to peek through...and shine. Life is not all gumdrops and rainbows. Sometimes a grown-up girl needs to try on a funky ring or a rhinestone bangle to make it through.

Tatum in a wide-brimmed hat. Fabulous!

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